Evan Wang

Website about Evan (Z) Wang. Undergraduate student studying computer science at UMD. Produces music sometimes.

Instructions for DDSR

Instructions to run/train the DDSR models.

Environment Setup

  1. Install Anaconda. You can install Miniconda if space is limited.
  2. Create your ddsr anaconda environment where you will be doing development. In terminal:

     conda env create -f ddsr_environment.yml
  3. Activate ddsr anaconda environment:

     conda activate ddsr
  4. Install PyTorch (find the specific command to run here: https://pytorch.org/)

     conda install pytorch ...

Downloading Data

  1. Download the KITTI dataset with the following command: (Warning: this takes up around 175 GB)

     wget -i splits/kitti_dataset_download.txt -P data/kitti_data/
  2. Unzip with :

     cd kitti_data
     unzip "*.zip"
  3. Convert the PNG images to JPEG (OPTIONAL — speeds up training time)

     find kitti_data/ -name '*.png' | parallel 'convert -quality 92 -sampling-factor 2x2,1x1,1x1 {.}.png {.}.jpg && rm {}'
  4. Download the KITTI ground truth depth maps (Warning: this takes up around 14 GB)

     wget -i splits/kitti_depth_maps_download.txt -P data/kitti_gt/
  5. Unzip with

     cd kitti_gt
     unzip "*.zip"

Preparing Evaluation Data

  1. Export LiDAR ground truth depth with:

     python export_gt_depth.py --split_path splits/eigen_test.txt --gt_depth_dir data/kitti_data --output_dir data/kitti_gt --use_lidar True  
  2. Export KITTI ground truth depth maps with:

     python export_gt_depth.py --split_path splits/eigen_benchmark_test.txt --gt_depth_dir data/kitti_gt/data_depth_annotated --output_dir data/kitti_gt

Note: If you plan to run metrics while training, this must be done before training.

Training From Scratch

  1. Select an existing config from the configs folder OR Create a config with the following format:

     num_epochs: [int, number of epochs that the model will train for]
     learning_rate: [int, the learning rate]
     scheduler_step_size: [int, learning rate scheduler step size]
     weight_decay: [int, weight decay factor for learning rate scheduler]
     batch_size: [int, batch size]
     num_workers: [int, number of workers for multi-process data loading]
     use_monocular: [boolean, specifies whether or not to use monocular data]
     use_stereo: [boolean, specifies whether or not to use stereo data]
     min_depth: [float, minimum bound for depth predictions]
     max_depth: [float, maximum bound for depth predictions]
     num_scales: [int, number of scales used for multiscalar loss]
     tensorboard_step: [int, step size for logging images to tensorboard]
     metrics: [boolean, specifies whether or not to calculate metrics while training]
     log_dir: [string, path to directory where results will be logged]
     gt_dir: [string, path to directory containing ground truth depth data]
       layers: [int, Resnet - 18 or 50; Densenet - 121, 169, 201, or 161)]
       densenet: [boolean, specifies whether to use a densenet encoder; default is resnet]
       fpn: [boolean, specifies whether or ont to use a feature pyramid network]
       pretrained: [boolean, specifies whether or not to use weights pretrained on imageNet]
     pose_network: (section not needed for stereo only models)
       layers: [int, Resnet - 18, 50; Densenet - 121, 169, 201, 161)]
       densenet: [boolean, specifies whether to use a densenet encoder; default is resnet]
       pretrained: [boolean, specifies whether or not to use weights pretrained on imageNet]
       width: [int, width of image]
       height: [int, height of image]
       color: [string, color model used during training (RGB/HSV)]
       train: [string, path to training dataset config]
       val: [string, path to validation dataset config]
       test_lidar: [string, path to testing dataset config (ground truth from LiDAR points)]
       test_gt_map: [string, path to testing dataset config (ground truth from KITTI dataset depth maps)]
       qual: [Optional -- string, path to qualitative dataset config]
       gif: [Optional -- string, path to gif dataset config]
  2. Train with:

     python trainer.py --config_path [path to training config]

Training From an Existing Checkpoint

  1. Locate an existing experiment folder.
  2. Train with:

     python trainer.py --config_path [path to training config within an experiment folder] --epoch [epoch to continue training from]

Note: --epoch 1 will load the weights from the first checkpoint and begin training from epoch 2.


  1. Evaluate metrics on LiDAR data with:

     python monodepth_metrics.py --exp_dir [path to experiment directory] --epoch [epoch/checkpoint number] --use_lidar
  2. Evaluate metrics on KITTI ground truth depth maps with:

     python monodepth_metrics.py --exp_dir [path to experiment directory] --epoch [epoch/checkpoint number]

Note: Replace --epoch with --all_epochs to evaluate metrics on ALL checkpoints in specified experiment directory